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Brotherhood     ~     Camaraderie     ~     Discipline. Spirit of a Sportsman, Principles of a Commune!


Know more about us

Sudhanshu Sharma Cricket Commune is physical transformation of the Commune philosophy to develop the sense of brotherhood and camaraderie in youth with Sports being the driving force. The very definition of a Commune, where a group of people is expected to share a common life, aptly defines the goal and vision of SSCC. In a nation, which finds great pride in the achievements of its sporting heroes, proper promotion of sports can trigger a momentum towards a disciplined way of life, which can shape the child of today into a responsible youth of tomorrow. A Youth with healthy respect for sports, sportsmanship, and the values we all hold true to a responsible adult; honesty, integrity, cooperation, discipline, and self-esteem!

Within its 7 acres of serene and well-equipped facility, SSCC holds a captive Cricket ground matching international standards for turf, wicket, and dimensions at the picturesque foothills of Ralamandal. The facility is developed with vigilant advisory of prominent Cricketing infrastructure consultants to assure its viability for Cricketing events of up to national level. This one-of-a-kind facility is ably guided by renowned Coaching staff and assisted by well-trained supporting and maintenance staff. Unique technological as well as conceptual advancements are employed to make SSCC a state-of-the-art Cricket Training & Development, Recreational, and Sports Event Hosting facility.

SSCC functional areas are categorized in three basic domains,


